Sunday, April 26, 2009

let's unplug grandma

Imagine you’re old, wasted, wrinkled and lying in a nearly vegetable state on a hospital bed in some god forsaken nursing home. You can’t move your limbs and there are a number of tubes at several odd places on your body. You can’t move your arms or wave away your children but only watch in silent mortification as they argue about who inherits your estate and, agree on pulling your plug. Your chapter is closed and it is decided by the people you helped bring into the world, when you ought to be exiting from it.

Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a person through medical means, in the interests of the people. Euthanasia can be voluntary, where the person is given euthanasia according to the person’s free will. Voluntary euthanasia in some forms is accepted in a few countries such as the Netherlands where euthanasia was legalized in 2002. Euthanasia can also be carried out involuntarily in which case the patient’s family decides for the individual. Since involuntary euthanasia is conducted without the consent of the patient, it is considered by many to be the equivalent of murder. Euthanasia can be conducted passively through the withholding of medicines, or administration of lethal pain relieving drugs such as morphine. Non aggressive euthanasia involves the withdrawing of life support system and aggressive euthanasia involves the use of lethal drugs or any other forceful ways to kill.

The pro euthanasia groups always give the example of an individual lying in hospital and in great suffering, with numerous tubes sticking into various parts of the body. Such a person, they say, who is unable to live a life with any meaning in it and, is in great pain, ought to be relieved of suffering through euthanasia. Also, they believe that the freedom of voluntary death in such cases should be granted to the patients as such a choice is an individual’s right in a free country. The patients should also be entitled to a death with dignity, instead of dragging along for ages and finally dying one day, bringing more of relief than sadness to their near and dear ones. The proponents of voluntary euthanasia also claim that the old, infirm and disabled, who do not contribute much to economy, ought to be replaced by the younger generation who are more active. The hospital beds occupied by patients in a vegetable state will be replaced by patients in actual need of medical treatment.

However, most people believe euthanasia to be a violation of the sanctity of life. Voluntary euthanasia is considered to be a form of suicide while involuntary euthanasia is regarded as murder. It demeans the value of the lives of the disabled and infirm. Euthanasia is becoming more prevalent as people living fast lives in big cities have begun to live lives controlled more by logic and reason, than by emotions and feelings. When the lives of old and disabled are left in their care, they are unable to spend time with them, or willing to spend money on what appears to them to be a vegetable. These people resort to euthanasia as the means of ridding themselves of an undying relative, as well as save their money and time. Sometimes, the patients are put under pressure to opt for voluntary euthanasia, rather than being a burden on their families. On religious grounds, euthanasia in any form is unacceptable as it violates the sanctity of life, and hails suffering as a means of being one with God. Closer to reality, euthanasia is employed by some avaricious relatives in order to end the lives of extremely old relatives whose death would entitle them to the patient’s estate and property; they end their lives unnaturally under the guise of mercy killing in such circumstances. The Netherlands, where voluntary euthanasia is practiced legally, senior citizens are sometimes afraid of getting admitted to hospitals due to the high rate of mercy killings of the elderly and infirm. Films such as ‘Million Dollar Baby’ addresses Euthanasia in an insensitive way, where the protagonist of the movie, a boxer my profession, on being paralyzed neck down forces her friend to administer a lethal injection to her, as her life as an invalid left no meaning for her.

In a country like India euthanasia cannot be legalized due to the presence of an extremely diverse culture, and the presence of a population which follows a variety of religions having their rules on the sanctity of life. In our country we place our families above all else and the life of elderly members is especially valued by all. This leads us on to resort to all means possible to lengthen rather than shorten their lives when they fall ill, with ample time to look after them as our lives in India follow a slower pace than in western nations. We’d rather let them drag on in a comatose state for years, to be able to be in their presence rather than pull off their life support system and watch them die. The patient’s pleas for voluntary euthanasia are also dismissed as the by product of a delirious mind and further strengthens the resolve of their family to keep them alive longer.

Euthanasia is an extremely controversial subject which is regarded differently by groups of different backgrounds, religions and cultures. While voluntary euthanasia raises a few eyebrows now then, involuntary euthanasia is considered akin to murder by most people, and is outlawed in a number of countries due to its serious implications and its violation towards the sanctity of life. There might be a lesser amount of time in the hands of most people and medical care cannot be afforded by all but, that does not mean that the lives of those who are unable to actively contribute to society have no value. Life is a beautiful gift and it cannot be taken away from anyone according to the whims and fancies of others. No one lives forever and none of us is immortal yet everyone has a right to live as they want and for however long they want. Let the Grim Reaper do his work while we do ours.

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